Thermax Profetherm Triple Effect Steam Absorption Chiller
Thermax Profetherm offers Lithium Bromide (LiBr) absorption chillers as an effective alternative to electricity-driven compression chillers. Our VACs (vapour absorption chillers) are extensively used in more than 50 industries for above 100 cooling applications as well as commercial buildings. Thermax Profetherm absorption chillers cater to industrial-cooling , commercial air-conditioning as well as industrial and space heating needs.
Our USP lies in identifying the unused heat available at the customer’s plant and providing recovery based or live energy based solutions to optimise energy thus reduce operational cost.
Thermax Profetherm absorption systems do not use electricity . They are designed to be driven by a variety of heat sources from waste heat recovery and live heat energy like steam, hot water, gas/liquid fuels, exhaust gases or a combination (Multi-energy chillers) of these fuels. Our absorption chiller offer an outlet temperature of 1ºC with water and up to -5ºC with brine, a rare feat in the industry. These chillers can produce chilled water and hot water simultaneously and in either/or mode.
Hybrid chillers are used for negative temperature applications below 0ºC , which are driven by multi-fuels like steam, hot water, engine exhaust and gaseous fuels along with electricity.
We have established our credentials with over 5000 installations in over 70 countries worldwide. We are proud to be the only company in the world to offer absorption based cooling and heating solutions for temperature profile ranging from -40ºC to 160ºC.
Thermax Profetherm is the largest exporter of absorption machines which are being used in countries like USA, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Nigeria, Australia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh and many more.
As a global player, Thermax has singularly focussed on improving absorption technology from the twin angles of reliability and efficiency. Thermax’s expertise in integrating energy systems to provide total solution to the customer gives us the cutting-edge over other players.